Saturday, March 28, 2009


I've always loved the Spring. The days are longer, the flowers and shrubs return, General Conference is just around the corner, and of course there's basketball.
Marianne and I never had a gardener. She loved everything about gardening, so we landscaped four homes. She definitely had a green thumb and I had the green stains on my pants to prove it.
When it was time to cut back the garden, Marianne would do the cutting and I would gather the clippings in bags.
When I would come home and see the results of Marianne's pruning I would always laugh. I could tell what kind of day she had based on the how the garden looked. If she was feeling frustrated, she would take it out on those poor shrubs. But the shrubs always came back in the Spring.
Now it's my turn to do the pruning and I marvel every spring as the garden awakens the world seems renewed.
This too was Marianne's favorite time of year. She loved how the surrounding hillsides would turn green after months of brown.
As I am writing this I am watching an old movie, Ben Hur. The Savior has just been crucified. We know that in three days time he will be resurrected and that event will take place in a garden.
As I am getting older and learning more about the Savior, I realize that everything testifies of Jesus Christ. He is the source of all light and life.
Springtime is symbolic of the Savior’s resurrection. Just as spring inspires renewed hope and new life, so does the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Your Mom knew this. The day she left us was really a beautiful day. We had spent the day together buying shrubs and planting them. As we worked together for the last time Marianne told me she wanted us to teach you kids how to garden.
I was talking about gardening with Katherine just a week ago or so. It's now her turn to garden. You will all have the opportunity. When spring comes around and your garden returns, remember to turn your thoughts to the Savior. It is only through adherence to his teachings and example that we will find peace and happiness.
Also think of your beautiful Mom and her love for gardening and that because of the Savior's wonderful gift, she too will be resurrected and that we all can be together.
I want you to know that I feel her loving presence everyday and I see her influence and love in each one of you.
Enjoy the springtime.



Julia Holmes said...

Thanks dad! That was beautiful. I hate it when I start crying at work though :). Your blog made me even more excited to start gardening at our house. I will always think of mom now when I garden. I hope I am better at gardening then I am at cooking :). I love you so much dad!!!

Katherine said...

I love seeing mom's handwriting. Julia, you have to plant a lemon tree! Oh what I wouldn't give to be able to grow lemons in my own backyard. I laughed about the pruning of the shrubs. Hilarious. Love you!