Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Dog Food

I think this site would be good for posting memories of Mom. I'd like to see us all do that.

When I was little, I was prone to daydreaming. In elementary and Sunday school, my mind would often be wandering and I would find myself not paying attention to what was being taught. Well, when Mom would take me grocery-shopping with her at Hughes (remember Hughes in Huntington Harbor?), I would wait and stare out the window while she paid for the groceries. Right below the window is where they kept the dog food bags. There I would be, standing right in front of them, staring out the window. Mom would tease me EVERY TIME we went to the store. She'd say, "Katherine, why are you staring at the dog food?" "Katherine, do you want me to buy you some dog food? If you want to eat dog food, I'll get it for you." "You like dog food?! GROSS!" Though I didn't think so at the time, it was hilarious.

You go.


Julia Holmes said...

Haha!!! Mom is so funny! I love that story. As I recall you even started crying one time. I can't believe you like dog food Katherine. Gross!!!

Katherine said...

You're right. It did make me cry. I'm such a baby. Were you there? Do you remember that or just remember us talking about it? Mom felt so bad! Now I feel bad because it really was funny!!